Overwatch 2 Watchpoint Pack XBOX One

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The pack includes the following Overwatch® 2 in-game content: Season Two Premium Battle Pass, 7 Legendary skins (including 2 all-new Space Raider skins), 5 Epic skins, 2,000 Overwatch® Coins and instant access to all 32 Overwatch 1 Heroes as well as the new Tank hero, Ramattra.

With the Season Two Premium Battle Pass you can unlock over 80 Tiers of rewards including Mythic Zeus Junker Queen, Legendary Poseidon Ramattra, and more. In addition, as a Season Two Premium Battle Pass owner you will automatically receive access to Overwatch’s latest hero, Ramattra!


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Overwatch 2 Watchpoint Pack XBOX One

374,00 kr

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