Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Art Deco

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72,00 kr
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31,00 kr
Add to your city's style with a pack of new buildings from one of Cities: Skylines' top modders! Matt "Shroomblaze" Crux has designed a series of Deco-inspired buildings exclusive to this pack, including 6 residential buildings, 6 commercial buildings, and 3 unique buildings.
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Add to your city's style with a pack of new buildings from one of Cities: Skylines' top modders! Matt "Shroomblaze" Crux has designed a series of Deco-inspired buildings exclusive to this pack, including 6 residential buildings, 6 commercial buildings, and 3 unique buildings.

Proceeds from this pack will be shared with the modder who designed the content. Celebrate the creativity of the Cities: Skylines community with the following buildings:

Unique Buildings:

  • Eddie Kovanago
  • Pinoa Street
  • The Majesty

Commercial buildings:

  • Central Hotel
  • Chirpcinema
  • Icecream Parlour
  • Laundromat
  • Radio Station
  • Starlight Hotel

Residential buildings:

  • Art Deco Apartments 1
  • Art Deco Apartments 2
  • Art Deco House 1
  • Art Deco House 2
  • Art Deco House 3
  • Art Deco House 4


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Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Art Deco

31,00 kr

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