Starfield Steam

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Starfield for PC is an action role-playing game from the makers of the ridiculously successful Skyrim and Fallout 4, and it can be played from either first- or third- person perspectives.
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Starfield for PC is an action role-playing game from the makers of the ridiculously successful Skyrim and Fallout 4, and it can be played from either first- or third- person perspectives. According to the game developers, they are hoping that this is the start of a huge franchise, similar to the two series mentioned above. As this is the first new game in 25 years (since the above games first came out), expectations and hopes are sky high.

About the Game

The game is set 300 years in the future, when regular space exploration is not only happening, but it has also become very normalised. You are a member of Constellation, which is an organisation of space explorers – the last organisation of space explorers, in fact. Don’t waste time wondering what happened to all the other explorers and why they’re reduced to one group, get on with the game!

Constellation ships have a vibe in which steam punk meets NASA perfectly. The developers have termed it ‘NASA-punk’ and it teams sleek futuristic perfection with nuts and bolts basics that looks inviting and homey without losing confidence that the ships will actually fly and keep you alive while you get where you are going!

And where are you going? Just about anywhere you like. The game is essentially an open world in space in which you can just get in your ship and off you go. Exploration is not limited to space and the planets, you can pick up and examine a lot of things, such as books, boxes, and there are tons of exciting buttons to press to see what happens!

Your astronaut character is fully customisable (and there are a surprising number of changes that you can make to a space suit, you will be happy to learn) and you also get your own little assistant in the form of robot, Vasquez (Vasco for short). You can tweak your stats, your backstory and everything about your physical appearance, until you have the perfect character in which to game away.

The game is packed with thoughtful plotting and nuanced shades of morality, in which life lessons are so subtly delivered you barely notice them, even as you reap the consequences of your actions, good or bad!

The Nitty Gritty

The game features a procedurally generated world to keep the game size down, and it is the first games which uses game studio Bethesda’s revamped Creation Engine, called Creation Engine 2. In this first serious outing for the platform, it is so well done that your mouth will water, for example, just looking at that delicious looking cheddar cheese and salami sandwich (with red pickled onions, lettuce and Dijon mustard, in case you want to try it out).

Weapons are solid and satisfying in the hand, (with an homage to the Master Chief if you know where to look) and the space ship boasts various gauges and systems to keep tabs on for the good of your health and the ship’s. These include oxygen and carbon dioxide monitors, your individual mission suggestions, and even the shopping list – you don’t want to run out of soothing Tranquillitea now, do you? (That’s pronounced ‘tranquillity, by the way.)

You will play over varying terrains, from metropolises, alien jungles, alien deserts – these complete with crablike aliens, of course, and a city on stilts over a sea-sized body of water. Each offers unique challenges for you in completing your missions, but also offers advantages too, if you know where to find them. You can wear different suits for the changing terrains.

You will battle the Pirates of the Crimson Fleet, which is a loose alliance of villains and outlaws as they invade the United Colonies’ territories (planets belonging to good guys) of Sagan, Cheyenne, Lunara, and Narion. You will team up with SysDef and the Freestar Collective to beat them back – or you can join the crimson side if that appeals more. Or, maybe do some mercenary work for them, getting mucky rather than full on down and dirty?

Keep your eyes open for the distinctive and very recognisable first aid packs for when your health or stamina needs topping up. The game was inspired by NASA – but a futuristic NASA in an alternate future – and Elon Musk and Space X collectively.

There are aliens in the game, on alien planets with alien cities, but based as much in reality as possible with necessary flights of imagination to allow for sentient, human-sized beings for the convenience of game play!

What Are We Seeking?

With exploration into space there are a number of reasons to go all that way. In real life, it is usually money or power (or both!) but in this game, it is left a little more mystically open:

  • Religion: does God exist? Or are there just super-powerful aliens who decided to interfere with our little spinning ball of rock? You can choose the spiritual side when seeing if you can find out the real secrets of life, the universe and all that

  • Science: what elements can be found in space? How do things behave under different atmospheric conditions? Can anyone hear you scream? Conduct experiences, collect samples and data and make the world a better place for all

  • Sci-fi: explore beyond the known by getting to grips with alien culture, languages and weaponry. Make friends in strange places, and influence politics towards diversity on a truly cosmic scale – or not, if their intentions are not ideal!

  • Starfield for PC is available for purchase on Instant Gaming for a fraction of its retail price. You will receive an official key and be able to play the game in seconds. Play smart. Pay less.


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    Starfield Steam

    523,00 kr

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