Bioshock: The Collection Nintendo

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155,00 kr
Relive the depths of Rapture and sail through Columbia in BioShock: The Collection! Remastered for current-gen, this edition includes all three BioShock games, complete with all single-player DLC and a never-before-seen video series with commentary from Ken Levine."
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Relive the depths of Rapture and sail through Columbia in BioShock: The Collection! Remastered for current-gen, this edition includes all three BioShock games, complete with all single-player DLC and a never-before-seen video series with commentary from Ken Levine." "BioShock Infinite is not being remastered on PC because it already meets current-gen console standards and runs smoothly on high visual settings. BioShock: The Collection will not include BioShock 2 multiplayer.


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Bioshock: The Collection Nintendo

155,00 kr

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