Amnesia: Rebirth Steam

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You can’t let out a breath. The creature is only inches away. Its sole purpose - to feed off your terror. And so you crouch in the dark, trying to stop the fear rising, trying to silence what lies within you.
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You can’t let out a breath. The creature is only inches away. Its sole purpose - to feed off your terror. And so you crouch in the dark, trying to stop the fear rising, trying to silence what lies within you.

“I know you. I know what you're capable of.”

In Amnesia: Rebirth, you are Tasi Trianon, waking up deep in the desert of Algeria. Days have passed. Where have you been? What did you do? Where are the others? Retrace your journey, pull together the fragments of your shattered past; it is your only chance to survive the pitiless horror that threatens to devour you.

“Do not allow yourself anger, do not allow yourself to fear.”

Time is against you. Step into Tasi’s shoes and guide her through her personal terror and pain. While you struggle to make your way through a desolate landscape, you must also struggle with your own hopes, fears, and bitter regrets. And still you must continue, step by step, knowing that if you fail you will lose everything.

  • First-person narrative horror experience
  • Explore environments and uncover their histories.
  • Overcome puzzles that stand in your way.
  • Carefully manage your limited resources, both physical and mental.
  • Encounter horrific creatures and use your wits and understanding of the world to escape them.


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Amnesia: Rebirth Steam

45,00 kr

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